
Rainbow Health and Quit Partner™ Join Forces During Pride Month to Help Minnesota LGBTQ+ Communities Impacted by Commercial Tobacco

Survey reveals that LGBTQ+ communities are disproportionately affected by commercial tobacco MINNEAPOLIS (June 24, 2022)…

The latest of 3 snapshots in time reveals how far community has come, and fallen short, in addressing the needs of LGBTQ older adults over the last 30 years

MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL (06/06/2022) — Minnesota is a great place to age well and…

WCCO: Walk To End HIV To Take Place At Minnehaha Park On Sunday

The MN Walk to End HIV is this Sunday! Your participation in spreading awareness can…

Message from Cyrus Malbari

  Dear Rainbow Health Community, Rainbow Health’s mission is to…

WCCO News Talk 830: 33rd Annual Walk to End HIV

How do we end HIV? Our CEO Jeremy Hanson Willis answers this question and shares…

KSTP: MN Walk to End HIV

The Walk to End HIV is only one week away! Our CEO, Jeremy Hanson Willis,…

Lavender: A Tradition of Community Care

From Mae Whitney | Lavender Magazine Restrictions are lifting, patios are opening, and events…

Rainbow Health’s 33rd Annual Walk to End HIV Sunday, May 15, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Rainbow Health Minnesota to hold its 33rd Annual Walk to End HIV…

HRSA Promotes Access to Gender Affirming Care and Treatment in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release…

An Open Letter to Policy Leaders: Collecting LGBTQI Data is Critical to Supporting LGBTQI Communities

Today a historic report on how to collect LGBTQ data was launched.

KSTP: Groups Rally at Capitol to Support Transgender Children

This story is from Brittney Ermon, KSTP  LGBTQ advocate groups held a rally at…

Statement on Minneapolis Charter Amendment on Public Safety

Last year our public advocacy agenda was redesigned to better reflect the mission and…